Friday, January 29, 2016

Student Success Statement

Image result for dean smith
"I wasn't trying to leave a legacy.I was trying to do what was right."

Image result for dean smith

-Dean Smith


When he decided to choose the right nothing but success followed him. Dean Smith was a basketball coach who emphasized the importance of teaching his players good character. It was not important to him whether to win or lose, because they were still winners at heart. The only thing that Dean Smith did stress was teamwork. Dean had written a letter to all on his players atleast once a year. It was either on Christmas, Birthdays, Weddings, or Special Occasions. This shows how kind of a man he was, and never has he forgot to write to any one of them, not even once. Dean Smith chose the right throughout his life in many ways.First of all he chose the right by transforming his basketball players into men who had potential. He touched the lives of every single one of them. By doing this he also showed them the importance of playing basketball was not to win, but to try their best by working together. Dean Smith was a great man and has affected his players dearly. Dean Smith did not ask for appreciation, but those who knew him, knew that he deserved it.Dean Smith was awarded many times, but the true meaning behind all his awards is that he chose the right 24/7. An example of this could be that Dean was so humble, he didn't feel that he deserves the stadium that was built in his honor.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

s not about how to achieve your dreams. It's about how to lead your life. 
If you lead your life the RIGHT WAY,
 the karma (destiny, fortune, good luck) will take care of itself. 
The dreams will come to you."
                               -Dr. Randy Pausch

Image result for dr. randy pausch

Image result for doctorImage result for teacherI find this quote to be interesting because it is a controversy to many other famous quotes. Many quotes state that nothing is free and that if you want something you need to go and earn it. This
 quote is not the complete opposite but does say that "It's not about how to achieve your dreams." This quote is still saying to work for what you want, but that it's not about what you do to achieve your dream, but instead how you live your life. If you sacrifice everything for your dream yes you may achieve it, but it also might affect your life in the long run. Dr. Pausch is telling us to work for our dreams, but to not sacrifice everything, instead we should make changes to our lives to help achieve our dreams. We will be able to adapt to changes, and since they are not big sudden changes we can adapt and prevent the harmful changes. For example, if a person is halfway done with medical school, but decides he or she wants to become a teacher they should not drop out and start all over. They should complete the course, but pick up classes to become a teacher and make small changes that way she has a plan B if she losses interest in being a teacher. If she drops out and takes teacher classes she can become bankrupt for starting an all new course, and by doing so she sacrifices everything. Small changes will be easier to adaqpt to and give time to correct errors.

Monday, January 25, 2016

                          Educating the body,
                         mind, and character

"Of all the work that is done
or that can be done for our
country, the greatest is that of
educating the BODY, the
MIND, and above all the
CHARACTER, giving spiritual
and moral training to those
 who in a few years are
themselves to decide the
 destinies of the nation.''

                                                                                                                                                       Theodore Roosevelt 

To me this quote means that teaching everyone the values of life is one of the greatest changes one can do. I do think that change in our country has to do alot with the way a person thinks which is mind, the way a person is which is charter and by your self. For example if there is a homeless dude who has no morals and no ctr character the best way to help him is by giving him reasons on why having good character and mind settle up for a better change. When you decide to change your mind many things can go the way you planned it to be. 

Volunteer Opportunities
  1. 2016 Presidents Day Lunch Time Fun Feeding Homeless Vets & T-shirt Drive In World Famous DTLA.CA
  2. Become a Mentor to a Child! Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater LA
  3. Homeless count
  4. "Under the Bridges and on the Streets" Serving the Homeless

Thursday, January 21, 2016

                           Student Success Statement  
''Take responsibility 
Image result for mr haymorefor YOUR OWN 
spirit, for your own 
physical, metal, 
and spiritual well-                                          

I think that this quote is stating that anything that is done by you, you have to take responsibility for. To be able to succeed in life you have to have balance between your aspects